go beyond traditional talk therapy.

Ego States Therapy

Are you seeing a therapeutic approach that delves into the complexity of your inner thinking patterns, and fosters self-discovery?

Maybe you’ve been to talk therapy before, and have learned some great coping skills but are still noticing the same patterns occurring.

If you’re still feeling…

Overwhelmed by your own emotions and reactions

Disconnected or dissociated in your day to day

Out of control

Ego States Therapy is a powerful method that aims to understand and harmonize the various aspects of yourself.

  • Ego States Therapy is rooted in the belief that our personality is not a single, unified entity but a collection of different "ego states" or parts of self. These parts, each with its own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, develop throughout our lives in response to various experiences and situations. Ego States Therapy seeks to identify and integrate these states to promote inner harmony and facilitate healing.

  • Key principles of Ego States includes identifying and understanding the various parts of yourself, promoting integration and communication within parts, uncovering root causes, and moving towards healing trauma.

  • Ego states can help to manage internal conflict, heal trauma, improve your relationships with others, and enhance self-awareness.

Your story is welcome here.

Your story is welcome here.